Monday, February 28, 2011

My Boss Life Story

My boss life story typically takes up 2 hours.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Who is Being Punished Here?

Did not even know I had this blog until molemole ran a give-away at her blog. I am still working in a school and this is an example of improvement made by the upper-ups who just only know how to open their mouths but not their brains.

Our school has a desk where we record late-comers. For these late-comers, we also check on attire and appearance. Pupils who do not wear a school collar pin will be made to leave their bags behind and walk to the school bookshop to purchase one.

So one day, the VP walked by and comment why don't we hold an inventory of 20 collar pins so that we can sell it to the pupils immediately rather to have them walked to the school bookshop a distance away. We can even log this as an idea.

I already feel that the system of recording late-comers a farce; most schools just record latecomers as pupils who do not attend assembly but take the onus to report to their form teachers when they are in school. But not for this school where I am in. We have to record latecomers for the teachers. The pupil just have to saunter in casually and hand over their smart card for recording.

And now this latest improvement? We used to punish the pupils for not wearing a collar pin by making them walk a distance to the school bookshop to purchase one straightaway. Now not only do the students not need to walk, the officer in charge has the additional role to keep an inventory of 20 badges and replenish them when necessary. I am the officer in charge of recording the latecomers and I feel I am being punished by addition role of collar pins seller for the student who is actually the culprit. What gives?

Saturday, June 27, 2009

H1N1: When is it too much?

My school is doing too much to deal with the H1N1 virus. First the scan the temperature of the student and asks if they have been to affected countries. Then they categorise them to:

a) Temperature of above 38 degrees Celsius.
b) been to affected countries
c) been to affected countries with temperature of above 38 degree Celsius.

They then isolate these students (17-18 years olds) to 3 different rooms and wait for their parents to bring them home.

I wonder how do people at the top come up with such procedures. If you have a temperature or been to affected countries, off you go, do not even come near to the school. That what they do even at hospitals. Still got time to escort them to isolation room!

Stretch Goals